The Odd Socks is the newest name on the scene this week. Following a run of successful live shows across Scotland, today the Glasgow based indie-rock quartet have emerged with their debut single. 

A band’s first single is a statement of intent, it sets the tone for what listeners can expect to hear thereafter. One thing is for certain; The Odd Socks are here to be heard.  

‘Deja Vu’ kicks off with staccato guitar riffs that immediately peak the listener’s interest. Then the melody and vocals come in and infect your ears with punchy feel-good riffs. The vocal delivery is confident and well matched to the sonic landscape of the track, it has a real old-school feel to it which, teamed with excellent instrumentation and a big chorus, effectively delivers a serotonin shot to your ears just in time for the summer. If you’re a fan of The Strokes, Blur, The Snuts or The Cribs this one is for you.

The band, formed of Oran McBride (lead guitar), Dean Freeman (vocals, rhythm guitar), and Hassi Carville (drums), visited the historic Abbey Road studios in January to record ‘Deja Vu’. The track was produced by the highly sought after Tayte Nickols, so it comes as no surprise the production quality is stellar.  

The Odd Socks have delivered a standout debut filled with the confidence and swagger of a band who know what they’re all about. We will certainly be keeping an eye on what they get up to next. 

Don’t forget to stream ‘Deja Vu’, and if you like what you hear you can catch The Odd Socks at their headline show at Glasgow’s Room 2 on June 22nd.  

About Emma Edwards 92 Articles
24-year-old Glasgow based music journalist. MA Multimedia Journalism and BA Film & Media graduate.