Allan Purvis is a singer from the outskirts of Glasgow. Merging indie with pop and throwing in some rock guitar in for good measure, his songs are not only catchy but are relatable.

Imagine if Matty Healy (1975) and Van McCann (Catfish and the Bottlemen) had a Scottish love child…

Purvis has been working hard over the past couple of years releasing music. Previous singles sweet talking, summer something and little talks gained a lot of radio play both locally and internationally.

Latest single from the Scottish heart-throb Allan Purvis; Parting Shot was due to release on 16th of February on all streaming platforms, however due to some technical difficulty this didn’t quite work out. This was super unfortunate as Allan is particularly good at having a social media presence/brand and had spent a good few weeks promoting the release date for this single on his socials.

Call it a soft launch as the song will come and its a great tune and will be worth the wait; once it comes back online as the track was intended to be heard.

When asked about the track this is what Allan had to say;

"Parting Shot exaggerates the petty arguments and words thrown around when going through a break-up. Lyrically - it tells this story from one persons perspective, and the music and melody go through phases of being harsher and lighter, perfectly replicating the highs and lows of dealing with heartbreak. Its about two people who clearly like each other, but keep pushing to get the final say."Allan Purvis

Parting Shot is probably the most relatable ‘heart break’ indie track I’ve heard. We can absolutely all resonate with the arguments and petty comments made in the early stages of a break up. Allan potrays this stage extremley well throughout the track. Creatively playing with the listeners emotions with the use of different dynamics.

The track comprises of vocals, guitars, drums, keys and bass. The keys sound is quite synth like which for me, creates that festival anthem feel. The second verse is a lot heavier than the rest of the track, the chord progression demands the listeners attention whilst providing a cool alternative rock edge to the song before the final chorus and outro.

It’s just a pipe- dream, boy, and you’ll never amount to much more.

This one line in the song seemed to resonate with me most. This particular comment would sting any musician, it ain’t easy to keep creative and push through in music especially for independent artists. I hope Purvis used this particular comment to give him angry passion and creative spark as a “told you so” to the ex.

Parting Shot screams summer music festival vibes. Could it be the Scottish indie summer anthem? Shame we don’t have much sun in Scotland…

Allan Purvis is on the roster with Reaction Management and they are holding three showcases in April to highlight the incredible bands and artists on their roster. 3 of these dates will be held at the Flying Duck in Glasgow. You can grab your ticket for the weekend or for individual showcases here

About Bonnie Ross 63 Articles
I'm a musician who's always had a passion for discovering new music. I now write about it...