Right before the release of their newest single, I got the chance to have a little chat with the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of The Stoned Immaculate, Louis Jamieson. We discussed the effects of lockdown, his hatred for Morrissey, and his views on the music industry.
Get Away (Jodie) is about mental health and the people who help you feel better. How do you think the whole lockdown situation has affected the lives of musicians?
It destroyed a lot of my friends. It totally ruined me. It’s not been a healthy thing to happen to all of us. I think they’re dealing with it so badly and they’re kicking us while we’re down by not letting us go tour and stuff. The government has absolutely fucked us. It’s the worst thing that’s happened to alot of us. So many of my friends have had their hearts torn out of them because of it. It feels like there’s no hope for the future.
If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
Oh, I would ban streaming services and make it so you have to buy CDs or you have to buy the songs. I would ban streaming and bring back CD’s and records. Especially over this lockdown, I’ve noticed that streaming services are not there to help musicians and artists at all, they’re just there for themselves. I think streaming services are fucking evil.
What’s a common music opinion that you disagree with?
I’ll tell you right now. I fucking hate The Smiths with all my heart. I can’t stand them. Like, Johnny Marr; legend. He’s played on one of my favourite albums of all time but Morrissey ruins it. His lyrics are poncy shit. I just fucking hate him, to be honest. He doesn’t even seem cool. I’m getting angry thinking about him. I just think that they’re a waste of space. Also, Happy Mondays…110% better than Joy Division. Joy Division just needed to cheer up a bit, man. I don’t like all that sad shit.
What or who got you into music?
My mum and my dad. I just grew up listening to The Pogues, David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, Lou Reed. It’s what I was brought up on. I remember the first time I properly got into Heavy Rock and Metal was when I went and saw Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. That was in primary school, I think, and I remember. I saw that movie then I spent two years learning all their songs. My mum and Dad got me into music with their exquisite music taste, though.

If you could have 3 musicians headline a festival, dead or alive, who would it be?
How do I even answer that, man. I wanna say Oasis because I feel like that would be fucking amazing. Wanna say Led Zeppelin, because that’s what my heart says. And maybe Nina Simone because she was meant to be incredible live. Oh wait no! Oasis, Nina Simone and Mac Miller. He’s a legend.
What is your dream gig venue?
You know how Pink Floyd were on the water in Venice? Some mad shit like that. Or Sub Club. I know it’s a techno club but it would be cool to play our music in a club, having people dance in the corner.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
I’m gonna say Thundercat. Oh, and also Zack Fox. He’s a comedian but he did that “I got depression.” song. Yeah, Thundercat and Stoned Immaculate with Zack Fox.
What are some of your favourite up and coming bands from Scotland?
I really like Brogeal. They’re cool. They’re like The Pogues; a bit of folk with some punk in there. They’re quality. Ghost Baby, of course. Nu Cros! They showed me their new song and people should watch out for them. The Bleeders, too! They’re great. Big Girl’s Blouse is also one to look out for. Really talented at writing music. Few of them are quite new but from what I’ve heard I’m buzzing for them so they can blow everyone’s tits off.
What’s a couple songs that you listen to and think “God, I wish I wrote this”?
That’s a heavy good question. You should ask everyone that. I need to think..properly. So many. I’m gonna go with Coney Island Baby – Lou Reed, I Wanna Be Adored – Stone Roses, Strangers – The Kinks. Ah, this is hard, actually. You’ve ruined my brain, you bitch. Eight Line Poem – David Bowie and Disney Girls – The Beach Boys. Yeah, I’m happy with that.
Thank you to Jamie from The Stoned Immaculate for his time and enthusiasm!
Follow The Stoned Immaculate on their Social Media below.