With many early successes and accumulating over 11 million streams worldwide, The Faim are a Perth (Australia) based outfit who brought together their wide array of musical influences from jazz to pop punk to bring you a sound like none before them. They have performed at festivals like Download, Slam Dunk and Reading & Leads with an aim to create a uniquely personal performance to every new stage they grace. ‘State of Mind’ has just been released as their latest album and does not disappoint.

It’s a bold start to the album with ‘Tongue Tied’. It’s a punchy number with a big bag full of oomph. The Faim don’t hang about with making an impression with this one. This is starkly contrast with ‘Humans’ which takes a drop to something a little more silky smooth. The verse creeps in, led by the whistle of a little theme. Then wham the chorus lands are we are back with the massive sound that we first had. The distinct vocal sound helps tie these both very nicely.
‘Summer is a Curse’ takes a super charged twist into a gradual build of keys and strings. The chorus is as catchy as they come. It’s a mood boosting belter of a track. The guys know how to write a true crowd pleaser. That hook will be with you for hours to come. Meanwhile we drop into a sweet little hip hop beat with ‘Beautiful Drama’. It’s poetic, it feels familiar and showcases some sick big vocals that signal that classic Faim big chorus sound.
Next up is a humble, muted guitar picking pattern, backed by stylish drum beats. Everything about this album screams high charged energy. It’s a no drama kind of feel. These guys are taking no prisoners when it comes to this track. ‘Infamous has a lighter feel to it. Something sentimental and heartfelt. The exposition at the end climbs from what is a trickle of a sound to a room filling chorus. Nicely done.
‘Amelie’ is a story of a troubled girl. It’s one of redemption and having nowhere to hide. I feel like there’s more going on in this tune than meets the eye. ‘Words Apart’ has a bit of an 80s ballad beat to it. Again, The Faim nail the recipe for a memorable track. It’s got all the key ingredients that leave you with the tune dancing around your head for days. Storytelling seems to be a typical feature of their tracks. ‘Where the River Runs’ opens softly, filled with life lessons and a big ballad sound. It’s on the border between melancholy and reminiscence.
The album finished up with the namesake of the track, ‘State of Mind’ and there’s no wonder it’s the feature release of the group. The tune is the scaffold to what has gone before and worth hanging on for. The Faim offer a statement sound that won’t be forgotten. You can hear more from the guys over at the links below. The album is available for a listen over on Spotify.