Single Review | The Notions | In Your Arms

“Demonstrates The Notions’ vibrant and vivacious versatility.”

2021 saw the beginning of a long list of singles from East Ayrshire quartet The Notions. This includes fan-favourite ‘Do You Feel The Same‘ and 2023 releases like ‘This Time‘ which have been huge successes live. When I saw them at Tenement Trail last year, I was intrigued to see where they’d take their music next. ‘In Your Arms‘ is their first release of 2024, and a very welcomed addition to their ever-growing and diverse discography.

In Your Arms‘ takes The Notions down a path of familiarity and nostalgia. With a love for three-minute pop tracks from the 80s, the four-piece have put their spin on a sound many of us will know. This newest single is an anthem with an addictive amalgamation of genres and styles. It’s difficult to perfectly execute such a huge combination of influences and ideas, but The Notions are a band that do this time and time again. ‘In Your Arms‘ is the same. Their seamless blending of genres alongside an individualistic twist creates a style that is unapologetically unique.

Photo by Daniel Blake

Frontman Lewis Lennon‘s Scottish accent shines through, adding a difference to pop-rock tunes that you rarely, if ever, get to hear. Riffs and hooks from guitarist Max Sloan provides the rock edge to an otherwise 80s pop feel. Drumming from Chris Millar and basslines from Adam Clark drive the tantalising thumping tempo throughout.

Referring to their love of typical pop tracks, they have stuck with the average 3 minute duration, but ‘In Your Arms‘ is anything but average. This is a track I’ve had on repeat since its release and one I’ll continue to listen to. It will sound amazing live too, the catchiness of choruses and verses will definitely be a crowd enticer. ‘In Your Arms‘ demonstrates The Notions’ vibrant and vivacious versatility. With the music video set for release on May 24th, this too will show such vibrancy.