Silver Dollar Room released their new single ‘Melanin’ after their debut single ‘Little Things’ was released in March this year. Suitable for fans of ‘Stone Temple Pilots’, ‘Placebo’ and ‘Smashing Pumpkins’, the lyrics for ‘Melanin’ were written by Silver Dollar Room’s frontman John Keenan (who is also part of rock band DMS) whilst the music itself was written by Jamie Turnbull who’s the guitar player for the band.

‘No matter where you go

Someone’s judging something

Where do you live?

What car do you drive?

How do you earn your living?’

In the song the solution presents itself in the form of running. ‘Melanin’ is about society and how asphyxiating it can be, as the song builds up it eventually reaches a high point during the chorus where it’s repeated intensely that the most liberating thing you can do amidst all the chaos is to deliberately free yourself from it. The instrumentation perfectly matches the frustration that the song is trying to express, and the drums stand out during the verses in a very characteristic way. ‘Melanin’ talks about the same issues that ‘Little things’ first aimed to explore. ‘Little things’ similarly talks about the pace of modern society and the deceitful relationships that function within it.

‘Burn down your brain

You’ll never know what you want

People just watch it burn

They’ll try to hold you up on strings

That’s my fist in your face

I’m sorry if it stings’

The music video for ‘Melanin’ is a very interesting black and white narration of the lyrics consisting of footage from old movies. You can listen to Melanin on all major streaming platforms now.

About Katerina Tsaramanidou 9 Articles
KATERINA is an indie artist from Crete, Greece based in Ayr, Scotland. After releasing her first single «They’re trying to sell my books» at the end of 2022 through Damfino Records, she has performed live at CamGlen Radio, Culture Incrociate and Glasgowstreetsound. Her newest single “Ballad of a Hollywood Dreamer” was recently played live on BBC Introducing.