Tag team duo Jen Ella and Sheffy released their single ‘Dazed’ on 29th March. This peaceful song begins isolated with Sheffy’s acoustic guitar for a few bars, setting the pace of the slow-tempo song. “Worn out, feel like the walking dead“, the first line from Jen Ella’s calming vocals. Straight from that first line you can feel the vibe. The song being about feeling tired of whatever’s going on in life and it all a bit too much can resonate with a lot of the listeners. You sometimes can’t help but sit back, close your eyes and sway to the music and that is exactly what happens with this type of song. A word I would describe this piece is cosy. May be because you feel that you’re not isolated in this feeling of being exhausted with everyday life, you feel comfort that it’s a common thing. The guitar compliments well with the ethereal sounds of Jen Ella. The echoey notes of the guitar backed up by the light strumming chords add to the feel of sluggishness and wanting to take a break. The relaxing sounds of this track make this an easy listen. I feel as well that this song wouldn’t feel out of place if it were edited on top of The Verve’s ‘Bittersweet Symphony’ music video. I look forward to what art Jen Ella and Sheffy make next.