Static Satellites embark on a new venture with their latest release “Fortify”

Four-piece Indie band Static Satellites’ new release “Fortify” takes a different stance from their previous release “Waster”.  This track serves as a reminder that one can overcome difficult situations so long as they believe that they have the courage to do so.  Fortify, meaning to find strength is perfectly fitting to the current COVID crisis, making this track particularly relatable during this time.  The resonant guitar riff, followed by the change in tempo and catchy chorus makes this track their most memorable release to date.    

The group have seen themselves supporting Liverpool band Red Rum Club, rising star Luke La Volpe and Indie Pop band Voodoo Bandits.  Influenced by a diverse range of sounds, Static Satellites are a bold new band showcasing a different side to alternative music. This particular track highlights the obvious talent that they possess, as well as setting them up for a very bright future.  It is no doubt that Static Satellites will be ones to watch out for in the upcoming months. Check out their newest release “Fortify” on Spotify


