‘Nü Cros’, Come Back With A Single That’ll Make You Shiver!
‘Nü Cros’, change their skin more times than a snake. First, we had the Indie dynamite of debut single, ‘Hotel’. Then, the more moody follow up, ‘Coming of Age’. Now, we have the atomic track, ‘ILL’, which sounds like mental illness incarnate. The only consistency, ‘Nü Cros’, seem to hold as a band is that no matter what style the outfit care to indulge in, every release is a tune regardless…
Think of yourself cramming genres like Goth, Dark Italo, Punk and Hardcore into the one track and you might come pretty close to the sound of, ‘ILL’. It sounds like the last chord of a musical breakdown, someone who’s at the end of their tether. Jagged, guitar jabs, a thudding bass line, menacing synth sounds and manic vocals. The listener is attacked from all angles. No doubt, ILL’, would make a great workout tune, something that could help push your body to it’s max capacity because this is exactly what this song sounds like. A band at it’s max capacity!
Who knows if this new sound will be developed in their next single or once again we’ll be faced with something entirely different to it’s predecessor. All we can assume for now, is that whatever it is, it’ll probably be good and that the next, ‘Nü Cros’, gig is gonna be fu@*ing sweaty!
Don’t just listen to me rattling on and have a listen for yersel!